Jesús Francos Rodríguez


Jesús Francos Rodríguez joined MGA in 2006 as a senior associate lawyer and since 2014 has been a partner of the firm. Before joining MGA, he worked for 4 years at the firm Pereyra & Asociados.

He has international studies in Administrative Law, Public Procurement and Telecommunications Law, these being the areas of practice that he habitually exercises together with tax, constitutional, competition, civil law, and litigation in general, among others.

In the field of telecommunications, he has assisted in the legal representation of telecommunications service providers in various administrative processes held before the regulatory body, related to the use and administration of the radio spectrum, free and fair competition, interconnection contracts, among others. He has also participated in the legal representation of the importing sectors in the first dumping investigations and safeguard measures carried out in our country in application of Law No. 1-02 on Unfair Trade Practices and Safeguard Measures. As a partner of the firm, he has participated in the first competition investigation processes carried out by the regulatory agency of our country. In constitutional matters, he had the opportunity to be part of the legal team that obtained the first interpretative ruling issued in constitutional matters. In the tax field, he has advised and defended in court the first cases in which the Dominican tax authorities made ex officio determinations based on the application of Transfer Pricing rules.

In the field of arbitration law, he has participated in domestic arbitration processes, in which he has served both as president of the arbitral court and as legal representative of the claimants and defendants.

He has written several articles for the “Gaceta Judicial” magazine, has participated as a panelist in international congresses and seminars on administrative law, and works as a professor at PUCMM, both at the undergraduate level, teaching Administrative Law I and II, and at the postgraduate level as a professor in the Masters of Tax Law and Administrative Law. He has also been a teacher for the National School of the Public Ministry in its Specialization Course in Administrative Law.

He is part of the list of arbitrators of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Center of the Chamber of Commerce and Production of Santo Domingo and is an active member of the Ibero-American Association for Regulation Studies (ASIER).

Practice areas

  • Administrative Law
  • Taxes
  • Telecommunications
  • Constitutional Law
  • Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Civil Law
  • Commercial Law
  • Competition Law
  • Municipal Law
  • Labor Law




  • Diploma in Public Procurement. Latin American Center for Human Rights (CLADH), Public Law Research Group of the University of La Coruña and the University of Castilla La Mancha (2017)
  • Diploma in Telecommunications Law, University of Valladolid (2014)
  • Diploma in Arbitration and the Judiciary, National School of the Judiciary and Chamber of Commerce and Production of Santo Domingo (2013)
  • Diploma in International Business Law, Complutense University of Madrid and Global Institute of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (2012)
  • Master in State Administration Law (Administrative Law), University of Salamanca (2009)
  • Master in Business Law and Economic Legislation, Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (2006)
  • Law Degree, Magna Cum Laude, Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (2003)